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MGMT 11800 Organizational Behavior - Clevenger


This Management Databases tab lists management related resources, presenting scholarly journals, trade publications, company information, and industry information. If the management resources and specialized resources sections bring back too few results, expand your search with the general resources section.

General Resources

These databases contain broad subject coverage which applies to many disciplines.

Using Academic Search Complete

Advanced Search features of Academic Search Complete

Management Sources

Once in Business Source Complete, click on "Company Information" in the blue ribbon at the very top of the screen to allow you to search for company profiles using limiters such as size, number of employees, and location. The video below reviews the process.

Management - Specialized Resources

The video below will show you how to use IBISWorld to help you locate a trade organization:
The video below will show you how to use IBISWorld to learn more about the market outlook for your industry topic.

There are two ways to obtain company information from Nexis Uni:

  1. Search the "standard" Nexis Uni using either the main search bar or a guided search and narrow your results accordingly.
  2. Use the Company Dossier option to see results that a business subscriber would see. 
    • Click Menu at the top left next to the Nexis Uni logo
    • Select Company Dossier
    • Search for your company name
    • Remember that it will only return what it thinks are the top 3 results. Click the blue "view all" button to see all of the results. 
Footer Example