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HIST 38000: 2023 Junior Seminar - Pope

Ask Us!

When you're doing research, the most important thing to remember is that Hiram Library Staff is here to help with any of your questions! 

Here are some ways to get assistance:

Contact any of the librarians using Or stop by the librarians' offices next to the elevator on the 1st floor.  Come in any time for help. There are typically librarians available 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, or you can make an appointment to meet with a librarian any time that the library is open.

Contact a specific library staff member here:


Contact the Ask Here Desk via phone at (330)569-5489, or in-person for questions related to your account, finding call numbers, etc. The library is open 7 days a week during the school year. Visit our About Us page for complete details. 


For more information on using the library’s resources, and even how to cite your research, continue exploring the Research section of our site.