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EVST 32500: Environmental Conflict Management - Mabey

Most Commonly Used Citation Styles: MLA, APA, Chicago

It is important to cite your sources to give credit to the author. Three of the most common citation styles are American Psychological Society (APA), Modern Language Association (MLA), and The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago Style). These styles also come with their own guidelines for formatting papers. Different academic disciplines use different styles because of the different ways that they may wish to convey information. Check with your professor about their preferred style (it is typically also listed in your syllabus) before starting your paper.

Saving Links for Citations (Permalinks)

Want to save that article you found so that you can come back to it? Did you find a great book and want to save the link so you can pick it up later? Be sure to use a permalink or stable URL. Just copying and pasting from the address bar of your browser will not allow you to get back to your item again, unfortunately. (Sorry - it's an annoying thing with library sources.)

  • In the library catalog, there is a link for a "Permalink to this Record" just above the box with the item's location. Copy that URL to save it. 
  • For EBSCO databases (Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, etc.), you must go into the article and select the Permalink. Instructions are available here from Adelphi University. 
  • Nexis Uni is a little less obvious, but instructions are available here
  • JSTOR instructions.

If you are unsure whether you have found a permalink, always note the title, author, journal title (if applicable), date of publication, and where you found the source so that you can ask a librarian for help. With those pieces of information, a librarian can usually find the article again with you.

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