The library has a large DVD collection.
Use the library catalog to search our film collection.
Search by keyword, subject, or title (just like books!)
Limit by material type: Audiovisuals
The library has a small streaming video collection from Films on Demand that may have content about your leader if they are especially well known.
Sports Business Journal has a section on their website called "SBJ TV" that includes interviews, commentary, and more, much like ESPN. To access, visit Sports Business Journal, and then scroll all the way to the bottom menu to select SBJ TV.
Some of the library’s databases like Academic Search Complete, contain videos. These resources have limited content that may not closely relate to your search terms.
You may be thinking, “I know how to find videos. They are all over the internet!” That is absolutely true. However, not all videos are created equal. Use your source evaluation skills and apply them to the video.
11694 Hayden St. | P.O. Box 67 | Hiram, OH 44234