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Tip: Use a keyword search instead of a whole question. Then narrow down the results with the filters on the side.
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Type in a keyword, title, or author; figuring out the right search terms is often the hardest part.
If it’s a physical book available in the library, you’ll see an address called the call number. This number tells you where to find the book on the shelves.
If it’s an eBook, you’ll see a 'View Online' link that allows you to open and read the book online or download it.
With OhioLINK and SearchOhio, you can borrow books from academic and public libraries across Ohio and have them delivered to Hiram for free!
Your library, in collaboration with your instructors, has set aside many required class materials at the Ask Here Desk. This popular service lets you borrow textbooks and other readings—for free!
To see what materials a professor has placed on reserve, visit the Ask Here Desk or search the library catalog.
Hiram College Library is a Federal Depository Library. This means that we preserve government documents for students, faculty, and the community to access (Government Collections Guide). Sometimes you might find that the Government Documents are cluttering your search results. To fix that, select "All Collections Except Gov Docs" to remove them from your search.
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) LCSH is a controlled vocabulary developed by the U.S. Library of Congress for indexing, cataloging, and searching bibliographic records. It is widely used in libraries to help you find materials more effectively.
11694 Hayden St. | P.O. Box 67 | Hiram, OH 44234