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Portion of the webpage dedicated to helping people find materials on the libraries main webpage.

Where to Start

You can find articles in several ways.

  • Using a Library Subject Guide. Subject Guides have been built to give you some selected indexes for each of the Majors (subjects) at Hiram College. Each Guide has a section called "Articles" which will take you to a recommended list of indexes for the subject you are working in.
  • Our Database A to Z List.
  • Using a general topic index such as Academic Search Complete. ASC is a good starting point as it contains some material about many subjects. Usually you can get a good start on a research project here.

A Library Index, also called a database, is an electronic catalog that acts like a search engine usually covering one or more broad subject areas. Unlike a website engine like Google, library indexes contain records of articles and journals about those subject areas.

  • Some databases provide full text of an article, typically in PDF or HTML format. (If an article you have found does not have full text click on the find it button button in order to search for other sources of the for same article.)
  • Other indexes contain other resources such as images, government documents, and book reviews.
  • Library Indexes help you search for articles in a particular topic.
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