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About E-Books

(Electronic-BOOK) The electronic counterpart of a printed book, which can be viewed on a desktop computer, laptop, smartphone or e-book reader. 

The major problem with e-books is the many formats competing for prime time, including Adobe PDF, Microsoft Reader, eReader, Mobipocket Reader, EPUB, Kindle and iPad. All e-book formats have a search capability, but most do not support a direct dictionary lookup, which means if a person looks up the term "network," all the definitions that contain the word "network" are retrieved rather than the single definition of that term. The results are akin to the mountain of results retrieved by a search engine.

In the vast majority of cases when you want to read an E-Book from the sources described below you can do it directly on the computer you are using. Either because the material is displayed in some sort of book format, such as Safari Books Online, or it can be downloaded as a PDF. Unfortunately the state of the Ebooks market is in constant flux, therefore we can't always predict if there will be a problem in access this material. If you do please come or contact the library for assistance. 

If you are having trouble reading a PDF perhaps you do not have the reader, this can be fixed by visiting

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