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Open Educational Resources (OER) Information: Linking to OER and Library Resources

Linking to OER

Open Educational Resources make linking easy!

Copy and paste the URL out of the search bar. 

Consider including multiple ways for students to access the book:

  • Link to the entire book in your syllabus and in your Moodle introduction
  • Link to chapters weekly when possible
  • Show them how to navigate the book
  • For "published" books available on sites like OpenStax, consider linking to the book's overall landing page since it often includes practice questions and other tips for using the textbook.

Linking to Library Resources

When linking to library resources, never copy the link directly from the search bar. You must always find a permalink/permanent link/stable URL. These links will authenticate users so that they can access materials from off campus. 

A permalink begins with a specific string of text called a proxy prefix. Hiram's prefix is:

The content following the equal sign is the link to the specific item. The video below demonstrates locating permalinks in EBSCO databases. 

Footer Example