This page provides specific nonprofit resources. These are not library databases. See the Management Databases menu for resources to find journal articles.
The New York Times contains every article, fully searchable, published in the New York Times since 1851. First, set up an account (instructions here). Then just connect to and login. Or, once you have your account set up, download the NYTimes app from the app store. For more information on setting up an account and using the iPad app, see the New York Times Subject Guide.
You can use any of the library's databases to search for articles by subject, keyword or title. However, you can also browse journals if you just want to see the latest news. Most of these journals are available by searching the library's journal finder. Just type in the title to search and then select "Full Text Access" to read it.
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs
Nonprofit Management
The Nonprofit Times
Board Leadership
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
Journal of Nonprofit Education and Leadership
Nonprofit Management & Leadership
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing
Foundation Review
International Journal of Volunteer Administration
Nonprofit Quarterly
National Civic Review
Philanthropy Magazine
Philanthropy Matters
Philanthropy Journal
Third Sector
Stanford Social Innovation Review
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