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MGMT 36600 Organizational Development - Clevenger


  • Determine your topic, then follow a process which makes sense to you for gathering relevant information.
  • Gather current events information about your company / example.
  • Explore academic journals and trade publications for information about your organizational behavior(s).
  • Search for related current events and news-based items related to your topic. Synthesize.

Defining an Industry

Explore Specific Problems

These resources provide information on countries, markets, companies, and consumers. The database contents may help with marketing planning, lifestyle profiling, market performance analysis and strategic forecasting.

Find current events, problems, opportunities, and competitive forces as well as economic, political, and social environment. Also find specific problems in periodical or newspaper indexes.

Explore Scholarly Sources

Explore the scholarly literature about Organizational Behavior(s). As you decide on a problem to cover, think about what Organizational Behavior(s) might be used to explain why the problem occurs. Search for the name of the Organizational Behavior for information - you will probably not find information on your specific problem in these databases.

Popular Press

Search Popular Press / News / Media sources for topics.

Research Note

Note that Google News will have up-to-the-minute news and events information; but, you should carefully evaluate the sources you find and check some of the resources discussed above for confirmation and additional background. Google Scholar is another source you might use to narrow your topic; if you use Google Scholar from on-campus you will automatically have access to library resources when they are available in your results set. If you use Google Scholar from off-campus, use this link that will ask you to login with your Hiram credentials. 

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