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Hiram College Library

Obtaining Course Reserves

Obtaining Materials on Course Reserve

Your Instructor may place class materials at the library's front circulation desk. These items are called Course Reserves and are identified in the Hiram Catalog by the following information:

In order to access these materials come to the Ask Here Desk at the front of the library and tell them that there are materials on reserve that you would like to borrow. You will need to know your Professor's name and the title of the book.

You may check them out with you student ID card for a specific amount of time, typically anywhere from 2 hours to a week depending on the classes and the type of materials.

If you are trying to find out what materials are on Reserve for your class there are a few easy ways to do this.

  • Log into Moodle. Course reserve materials may be listed on your classes syllabus. 
  • Come to the Ask Here Desk, we are happy to help!

Additional Course Reserve Considerations

Typical materials that you will find on Course Reserve are books and DVDs. While they are able to be checked out, there are some special rules that goes along with borrowing Course Reserve materials:


  • Course Reserves are usually checked out for 2 hours.
  • 2 hour course reserves can be renewed once. All other course reserves have no renewals.
  • Once the 2 hours are up, fines begin to accrue immediately.
  • There may be cases where these rules do not apply or are altered slightly. Please check with the staff at the desk when checking out Reserves to be sure.


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