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Hiram College Library

Bookplate Options

 Honor With Books

Is there a book lover in your life?

You can honor that person and help support Hiram College Library by purchasing a book in his/her name.

For each gift of $50 to the Friends of the Library Honor with Books Program, the library will place a bookplate with your special message in a newly-purchased book.

The honored party will receive a copy of the bookplate with a letter informing them of your thoughtfulness.

The Honor with Books Program is a great way to:
• Celebrate...a birthday or special event
• a graduation, wedding, or birth
• Memorialize...a beloved relative, friend or professor
• Recognize...a current student or graduating senior
• Thank...a favorite professor, colleague, or mentor

To participate, select from one of 8 bookplate designs shown and

Complete This Form.

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